Forbes believes in the power of entrepreneurial capitalism and uses it on various platforms to ignite the conversations that drive systemic change in business, culture and society. We celebrate success and are committed to using our megaphone to drive diversity, equity and inclusion. Newsrooms are best when they reflect different backgrounds, voices, and points of views. The Forbes Scholars Program was created as a step toward realizing this ideal, focusing on preparing and supporting emerging black journalists and journalists of color from HBCUs interested in business journalism. Specifically, this fellowship program was developed to 1) provide a deep grounding in financial and general news reporting, 2) endow training on fast-paced news stories, and 3) cultivate a passion within emerging journalists of color for using their voice to serve the public as perveyours of the news—at Forbes or beyond. Acceptance into this program includes participation in editorial workshops and mentorship, provided by senior editors and reporters – leading up to a paid 8-12 week internship (June - August) working in the Forbes newsroom.