The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is looking for collaborative, audience-focused reporters for our service journalism team, whose mission is to help readers navigate life in Tarrant County and North Texas. These reporters use engagement tools such as Google Trends to surface and answer questions readers are asking in the moment, will write stories that help readers connect with the news and will create and manage a library of search-friendly evergreen content. Fort Worth is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country and is the 13th largest city in the United States. Its population is diverse, with about 35% of the population Hispanic or Latino, over 18% Black and about 5% Asian, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The Star-Telegram is committed to representing the diverse North Texas communities we cover and to building an inclusive newsroom for staffers of all backgrounds. The Star-Telegram is part of McClatchy, a digitally driven company focused on innovation, with newsrooms in 30 communities in the United States.
Experience with audience growth and engagement tactics such as headline writing and SEO is a must. Expertise in a particular subject area is not required, but the successful candidate will bring a deep understanding of what’s important to local readers, preferably earned by working as part of an audience or engagement team at a local news outlet. The reporters in this role will report to the service journalism editor in Fort Worth. This is an on-call position, up to 40 hours per week.