As a nonprofit, our focus is on investigative and watchdog journalism, in-depth enterprise reporting, analysis and commentary that gives readers a broad view on issues of importance to the community. The philanthropic gift that Pierre Omidyar gave to create Civil Beat in 2010 began a unique opportunity for Hawaii to develop a non-commercial media platform whose mission it is to inform and educate Hawaii residents so they can make good decisions about vital issues. Civil Beat has quickly become one of the most respected news sites in Hawaii. Our journalists have won dozens of state, regional and national awards and Civil Beat has been named the best news website in Hawaii for the past 12 years by the Society of Professional Journalists.
Our ideal candidates will have a proven record of success on investigative projects and shorter watchdog enterprise coverage. They will be engaging storytellers with broad experience navigating public records, obtaining reluctant sources and identifying great stories that no one else is covering. CAR and data mining experience is preferred. Knowledge of Hawaii, the most diverse state in the U.S., a digital mindset and multimedia skills are a definite plus. That said, we’re willing to consider great journalists who may not have every skill on our ideal checklist, but you must have a clear idea of what you want to do with the wide-open opportunities that Civil Beat offers for journalists who are serious about making a difference.