As a Personal Finance Writer, you will research and write a variety of articles for Investopedia on the subject of consumer and business lending products. You will be responsible for making sure we have the most thorough, well-researched, reliable, and insightful content to educate and empower readers so they can take the next step.
The ideal candidate has deep personal and professional experience evaluating lending products (personal loans, small business loans, student loans, home equity lines of credit, mortgages) and can explain these products to the everyday consumer.
About Your Contributions
Work with editors to produce timely educational articles about a variety of loan topics
Keep tabs on the industry so you can quickly and thoughtfully cover emerging trends and changes to existing products
Write 3-6 articles per week. Assignments will include product reviews and comparisons, evergreen educational content, updates to existing articles, and methodology-driven product roundups.
About You
4+ years of work experience in personal finance journalism
Ability to pitch stories and creatively approach evergreen topics
Committed to writing accurate, clean copy with original sources
Enjoy working in a fast-paced environment and meeting deadlines.
Firm grasp of SEO best practices and how they factor into quality content
Excellent verbal/written communication skills, attention to detail, and ability to multitask.
Enjoy learning new skills and topics.
Strong desire to help make people smarter in their financial lives.