Environmental / Agricultural Reporter

New Posted 19 December 2022 | Lancaster, Pennsylvania | LNP Media Group

LNP | LancasterOnline, a family-owned daily newspaper and subscription-based site with one of the largest circulations in Pennsylvania, is looking for a reporter specializing in environment and agriculture. The two topics are married for our farm-rich and rapidly developing county that lands largely in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. We're looking for a storyteller who is also a nimble investigator and curious researcher. Do you love to break down complex ideas for easy consumption? Are you curious about how changing rules or new products might matter to regular people – and are you willing to find out and tell them? Do you love connecting with people, and writing in a way that readers connect, too? Are RTK and FOIA your love languages? Necessary skills and attributes for this position include urgency, curiosity and a need to make our product relentlessly interesting. Coverage includes green initiatives and sustainable investment; how climate change will reshape the agriculture and economy of Lancaster County; how hunting, fishing and wildlife impact sustainability.  This position reports to the work/wellness team leader and deputy.  

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