Pitches (Arts/Cultural Initiatives, Interviews, and Essays)

New Posted 28 November 2023 | Remote | Narrative Initiative

Narrative Initiative contributes to the foundation of a truly just multiracial, pluralistic democracy so that all people can live freely with dignity and health, with the power to shape their government, economy and culture.

We collaborate with social movements to transform deeply held beliefs and values in order to make equity and justice the foundations of multiracial democracy.

Pitch Us

We aim to lift up stories about organizers, cultural producers, activists, and other changemakers whose work is shifting harmful, dominant narratives in powerful, creative, and unexpected ways.

We are looking for deep dives into organizing efforts or arts/cultural initiatives, interviews, and essays, including photo essays. These three content themes are our current focus:

Care is the Antidote to Violence: The carceral system is frequently presented as the only solution to myriad social challenges. We would like to highlight projects, initiatives, or ideas that shift how we think about we imagine harm and its consequences. What efforts are underway to move us towards repair, healing, and accountability and away from punishment?

Surviving Supremacy: Movements that advance supremacist and exclusionary views have gained momentum globally. How are organizers, cultural workers, thinkers, and advocates disrupting supremacy ideologies and their influence on democratic institutions?

democracy, tbd: The U.S. has a long way to go before becoming a true multiracial democracy. How are organizers, cultural workers, and advocates creating opportunities for civic engagement beyond voting? We would be excited to read pieces that show us what democracy looks like and challenges the limits of our political imagination.

You can find examples of what we've previously published here, here, and here. Our rate is $1 a word. We are looking for pieces that are 700-1000 words; exceptions may be made for pieces that tell a more in-depth story. Please send us a 200-word pitch that speaks to one of these themes, previous writing samples, and a brief bio.

Pitches Accepted Until December 22nd, Local Time.

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