Omidyar Network Reporters in Residence (Summer 2023)

New Posted 23 June 2023 | Redwood City, CA | Omidyar Network

Omidyar Network’s Reimagining Capitalism team is working to address the structural challenges at the heart of our economic system, and to shape a new, inclusive economy where markets serve the interests of all people and society. We do so by supporting a range of organizations—nonprofits, advocacy organizations, worker groups, think tanks, journalists, and entrepreneurs—with grants, investments, and the power of our network.

Position Summary:
We are opening up the application period for the Summer 2023 Reporters in Residence program. This residency is crafted to expand the amount and quality of reporting on big-picture economic issues, and enable freelance journalists to devote more time to writing, research, and general career advancement.

We will select and contract with three reporters, one tied to each of Omidyar Network’s core programmatic areas within Reimagining Capitalism: New Economic Paradigms; Worker Power; Corporations, Capital Markets & the Common Good. As a Reporter in Residence, you will have regular access to the Reimagining Capitalism Team, and our diverse network of grantees and partners. As part of our dedication to transparency and journalistic independence, Omidyar Network will have no editorial discretion over reporters’ work.

The Summer 2023 residency follows on the success of the inaugural cohort selected at the end of 2022, which included journalists Bryce Covert, Kim Kelly, and Edward Ongweso Jr. During their residencies, they placed pieces on a wide range of subjects, including the debate about the Federal Reserve’s approach to addressing inflation in the New York Times, the role of venture capitalists in the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in Slate, and May Day protests in Paris for The Nation.

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