Pitches Wanted (Climate) | $1 per word

New Posted 16 November 2022 | Remote | KneeDeep Times

We're seeking pitches for our February issue on radical rethinks about climate adaptation. Preference for Bay Area journos, with emerging writers and POC especially encouraged to pitch. Prefer articles 500-1,000 words, $1 per word. Details here: https://www.kneedeeptimes.org/work-with-us/
Too expensive; politically impossible; economically infeasible; there are more urgent concerns now (jobs, rent, health, etc.). If we set aside all the usual excuses for tackling climate change head on, what could we imagine in terms of how we produce energy, food, and waste? What about how we use resources, and how and where we live and work?
- What is your “if only” idea?
- What would be the wish list for a truly just transition?
- What decision or policy by big or local government could make the difference?
- What technological fixes are possible, needed, or being ignored?
- Where are there pilots of innovative thinking now that could be scaled?
- What ideas are outside the box?

We’re seeking a mix of opinion pieces, news stories, and features about anything or anywhere, but must have a touchtone/relevance for California. Innovative ideas from the Bay Area even better! Very short stories (400-500 words) welcome. Pitches due December 1, 2022; Stories due February 1, 2023 Contact news-team@kneedeeptimes.org with any questions. We prefer climate stories relevant to California and the greater San Francisco Bay Area region. If someone is unsure whether their story fits after reading our pitch guidelines, they are welcome to reach out.
- Submissions / Questions: news-team@kneedeeptimes.org
- Website: https://www.kneedeeptimes.org/

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