Pitches Wanted (Gaming) (Worldwide) | $600-$700 per article

New Posted 2 December 2022 | Remote | Game Informer

Blake Hester, Senior Associate Editor at Game Informer, is looking for pitches: I am looking for FEATURE PITCHES for January to run in future print editions of Game Informer. Pay tends to range between $600 - $700 USD (though that can slide further up/down based on work, length, etc). I am mainly interested in reported features, though that's a loose term. Can be a behind-the-scenes look at a game or studio, a profile of an interesting developer, a personal story, report about an unexplored part of the industry. A travel diary. Anything. Send it all my way. I am not looking for quick hit op-eds, news writing, guides, and the like. That stuff is all great, but not a good fit for what we need in the magazine. I'm mostly looking for longer-form work. Timeless, future-facing, stuff like that. Anyways, bang my line! Best place to reach me is email: blakehester@gameinformer.com. I try my best to reply to every single pitch.

- Submissions: blakehester@gameinformer.com
- Website: https://www.gameinformer.com/

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