Priority call for essay pitches on the following theme: “Enforcement of the Rule of Law” We eschew further specification on the theme because we hope to allow for less established perspectives. Anyone, anywhere is welcome and encouraged to pitch. If selected, writers will be expected to adhere to their original idea (with some margin for organic development) and produce an essay of 2000-4000 words for collective publication. Payment will be $0.25 per word. When pitching, please detail the scope of your essay, how your insight will ultimately prove beneficial and why you need to share your experience. Please also give some information about your writing background and links to (or samples of) pieces in the same/similar vein. This is to ease the selection process but if you are unpublished or new to writing, don’t be deterred. Some general biographical information will suffice. Deadline for pitches is: November 27th 2022 Email pitches to Abby Yates:; Questions / submissions:; Website: