Hi writers! I'd love to expand my freelancer pool at Reviewed. If you're interested in writing beauty and e-commerce content (think: listicles, reviews, sales / deals), please send me a message. Rates begin at $150. Please fill out this form if you're interested: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQm96z4hMlVN0QQLtO4bNtjQ6pL15geL_OToHWHOvjyB57Bg/viewform. You're still welcome to send me a message introducing yourself, though. Even if I don't have an assignment for you now, I'll keep you in mind for the future! You can also send beauty pitches to my work email: jkasparian@reviewed.com. I'll do my best to reply. APPLICATION CHECKLIST: Unless otherwise stated, include (1) a cover letter explaining how you meet the requirements or why you are the right fit for the job; (2) a one-paragraph summary of your relevant experience, credentials and publication credits; (3) your strongest clips or links to published work; and (4) a resume detailing your writing experience.