Data Reporter

New Posted 28 July 2023 | Sacramento, California | Sacramento Business Journal

The Sacramento Business Journal is looking for a driven and innovative Data Reporter to build on the newsroom’s strong legacy of using data to drive essential, exclusive business coverage. The data Reporter is able to gather and analyze original data on the industries, companies and trends driving business decisions in the metro Sacramento region, and communicate what he or she uncovers using both text and visual storytelling techniques.

Job Resonsibilities

Collects and analyzes company and industry data for the Sacramento Business Journal’s weekly industry Lists, using surveys, public documents and other relevant sources.

• Regularly reports stories based on data from the Lists and other research projects using appropriate narrative and visual storytelling techniques.
• Reports and writes four to six cover stories a year using data resources.
• Oversees creation of charts and infographics to illustrate research data findings;
• Works alongside reporters and editors on enterprise projects that include or are driven by data;
• Manages the Sacramento Business Journal database of regional companies;
• Actively looks for creative ways to tell important stories using data.

• Strong news judgment, news analysis and news writing skills
• Knowledge of computer data-management applications
• Proven ability to work with databases and spreadsheets to find patterns and stories
• Meticulous eye for detail
• Passionate about finding and dissecting data
• Ability to get people to tell you things they don’t want to
• Strong customer service skills
• Solid Microsoft Excel skills a must
• Comfort with basic math
• Ability to mine and analyze data from surveys, regulatory agencies, other public documents and sources
• Drive for 100 percent accuracy

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