is a vital forum for UK GPs, providing daily news and analysis plus practical advice and information to help them in their daily working lives.
This is a crucial period in the history of the NHS, which is facing huge challenges as it aims to address a massive backlog in care. As senior reporter you will be responsible for engaging our audience through exclusive stories, investigations, analysis of data, breaking news and more.
You will be covering what is likely to be a key political battleground for the next general election, working across topics including policy, funding, workforce, demand and regulation of general practice. You’ll be reporting on doctors’ pay at a time when swathes of the medical profession are taking part in industrial action over pay and patient safety - and you’ll have the scope to investigate the toll pressures on the healthcare system are taking on staff working on the NHS frontline.
You do not need an understanding of clinical matters for this role – but you should have a keen interest in politics and policy and a desire to learn about the ins and outs of the NHS.
An important part of GPonline is our weekly podcast, Talking General Practice, which features members of the team discussing the latest news and interviews with GPs and other key figures in primary care, which we record in our purpose-built studio in our office.