Pitches (Factory Farms, Food, Climate, Health)

New Posted 9 February 2024 | Remote | Sentient Media

Sentient Media is a non-profit news outlet publishing stories and solutions for a changing world. Our primary focus is factory farms, and their impact on food, climate, health, politics and more.

A successful pitch will fit within at least one of our verticals: food and farming, science, climate, health or policy.

What we ARE looking for:

Original reporting that highlights new investigations, facts or research.

Big-picture features and local reporting — stories that connect to the bigger conversation about the impacts of factory farming.

What we are NOT looking for:

Traditional op-eds and personal essays.

Stories or essays that primarily address a debate within the vegan or animal rights community.

Some examples of our favorite stories to publish:

New research about farm animals or wildlife, including studies of animal intelligence and perception. These stories tap into the public’s growing curiosity about the inner lives and experiences of animals.
Investigations that hold the meat and dairy industries accountable.
New research on dietary or food system change.
Reporting on U.S. policy developments about animals, both farm animals and wildlife.

Our rates start at $300 and go up from there. We pay higher rates for experienced journalists, and for stories that require significant reporting or research.

Keep in mind that our stories are also animal-sensitive — which means we always include the experience and well-being of animals in our reporting and analysis.
How to Submit:

Please send your pitch including the following to managing editor Jenny Splitter at jenny@sentientmedia.org.

One short paragraph with the big takeaway of your story and why it’s important to cover this angle right now. Tell us what’s new that hasn’t been covered elsewhere.
3-5 bullet points of the points you want to make in this story.
What are your sources: interviews, research, evidence — what backs up the main points of your piece.
If you haven’t written for Sentient Media before, send a few links to your published work.

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