The Conversation U.S. (TCUS) is an independent, nonprofit media organization that publishes daily news analysis and commentary written by academics, edited by journalists and aimed at the general public. Our editorial team works with scholars across the U.S. to help the general public make sense of important news and research. We take our work seriously, but we also offer a fun and flexible work culture with great benefits and lots of opportunity to shine. The associate editor will cover a wide range of topics – from the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes and unemployment to consumer trends and inequality – by commissioning and editing articles from scholars in a variety of fields to help us inform our broad general audience.
The ideal candidate will have knowledge of business, economics, finance and similar topics, as well as experience working in a daily news environment as either a reporter/writer or editor. Experience working directly with scholars is a definite plus. We will consider candidates working remotely in locations across the U.S. We currently have offices in Boston and New York and can offer a hybrid of in-person and work-from-home for candidates in those cities.
The Conversation is deeply committed to inclusion and diversity. We encourage members of traditionally underrepresented groups – including those who are Black, Latino/a, Asian American, Indigenous and LGBTQ, or armed services veterans – to apply to join our team.