Business and Careers Reporter

New Posted 18 February 2019 | Green Bay, WI | The Green Bay Press Gazette - Business

The Green Bay Press-Gazette, part of the USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin, is seeking a high-energy reporter with an interest in business and career-related issues that particularly affect young adults and young families. This means covering startups and business trends; hot jobs and growth industries; personal finance concerns from the cost of child care to the cost of college; and how to begin building savings and investments. This reporter’s writing on business should focus on connecting with an audience roughly ages 18 to 45, from young adults just starting out to Gen-Xers entering middle age. She should be able to explain complex stories in a way that makes them accessible and drives home the way Wisconsin business trends affect readers’ real lives. The position will be well-positioned to cover the tech startups and news coming out of Green Bay’s TitletownTech partnership and the planned Foxconn innovation center there. But the landscape is not limited to Green Bay. The right reporter will seek out great local, regional and statewide business stories from all parts of Wisconsin.

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