The mission of The New York Times is to seek the truth and help people understand the world. That means independent journalism is at the heart of all we do as a company. It’s why we have a world-renowned newsroom that sends journalists to report on the ground from nearly 160 countries. It’s why we focus deeply on how our readers will experience our journalism, from print to audio to a world-class digital and app destination. And it’s why our business strategy centers on making journalism so good that it’s worth paying for.
Job Description
The Times’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Visual Investigations team is at the forefront of accountability journalism. We are looking for an exceptional Video Journalist with extensive open-source reporting skills to seize news moments and dig aggressively into a wide range of national and international topics. You will have a strong track record conducting investigations, cultivating sources, mining documents, analyzing visuals, and uncovering new information. The role will focus on ambitious investigative and explanatory work primarily on competitive news stories but also on longer-term projects.
The right candidate is someone who can take initiative on major stories and develop exclusive angles. You should have the know-how to find and vet visual evidence, connect dots around chaotic events, and use your range of open-source skills to problem-solve, reveal new insights, provide clarity and hold power to account. Experience turning those findings into videos or video-driven text articles is valuable, working in conjunction with our video editors and motion-graphics producers.
Main responsibilities:
Source audio-visual evidence from a variety of platforms
Geo- and chronolocate evidence
Analyze satellite imagery and data
Pitch reporting and coverage opportunities
Jump on breaking news stories independently or in collaboration with colleagues across the team and wider newsroom
Basic requirements:
A proven ability to apply open-source research skills to map out critical incidents using visuals and other information.
A strong portfolio of stories that demonstrate accountability and/or exclusivity.
Extensive experience as an open-source researcher, reporter or investigator at a top news outlet, NGO, or digital investigative organization.
Proven ability to work on tight, demanding deadlines and in breaking news situations.
Experience with Google Earth, flight and ship-tracking platforms.
Preferred requirements:
A demonstrated aptitude for developing original angles around highly-competitive news events.
Familiarity with the video production process.
Understanding of Times standards of journalistic excellence
Programming skills or fluency in an additional language are a plus.