Our vision, with quality journalism at the heart, is to pioneer new ways to serve 10 million registered users and 1 million subscribers, by 2023, a vision we all stand behind. We wouldn’t be one of the world's most successful media organisations without the talent, determination, and creative spirit of our people. As our readers’ needs evolve, it's more important than ever that we recruit original thinkers and innovative individuals who can keep us at the forefront of our industry. That means not only journalists but also marketers, analysts, designers, engineers, and much more. We want to foster the diversity of thought through our people, create inclusive working environments that allow everyone to be their authentic selves at work while creating a sense of belonging to ensure we have the highest performing teams. This role requires an economics reporter working to deliver a strong portfolio of digital and print products. The principal focus of this role will be on macro-economic news and trends, including currency fluctuations, in the UK, the Eurozone and globally.