If you've ever contemplated the potential for positive change through journalism, we invite you to be a part of our transformative movement.
TheSocialTalks.com stands as an autonomous digital news platform committed to delivering news, narratives, comprehensive subject analyses, and insightful editorials on pertinent issues that significantly impact society.
At TheSocialTalks, we tackle social and political matters with an unwavering commitment to impartiality and in-depth exploration. Empowered by a global team of writers and journalists, we collaborate to produce content aimed at cultivating an informative ecosystem. Our goal is not only to foster innovation but also to nourish the demand for elevated content quality.
• Collaborate with the news production team to research, write, and edit news scripts for on-air broadcasts.
• Assist in gathering information, conducting interviews, and researching relevant news stories.
• Develop a clear and engaging on-camera delivery style while maintaining professionalism.
• Participate in editorial meetings to brainstorm story ideas and contribute to the news content planning process.
• Work with the production team to ensure high-quality visuals, graphics, and multimedia elements accompany news segments.
• Stay updated on current events, both locally and globally, to provide accurate and timely news updates to our audience.
• Collaborate with other team members to ensure smooth coordination during live broadcasts and recorded segments.
• Contribute to social media engagement by sharing news content and interacting with our audience online.
• Learn and adhere to the ethical standards and guidelines of journalistic reporting.
• Pursuing a degree in journalism, communication, broadcasting, or a related field.
• Strong interest in news reporting, storytelling, and journalism ethics.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Comfortable with on-camera appearances and public speaking.
• Curiosity and enthusiasm for staying informed about current events.
• Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced and deadline-driven environment.
• Basic knowledge of video editing tools and techniques is a plus.
• Flexibility to work irregular hours, including weekends and evenings.