I’m currently recruiting regular writers for Salon who can write stories on neurology, psychology or social media as it relates to mental health, science or modern technology. Salon covers politics, national news, culture, food, science and health through insightful reporting, commentary and analysis, criticism, investigations, and provocative personal essays. Salon is committed to bringing a variety of voices to the discussion to make the conversation smarter. I am also interested in education and parenting. No commentary unless it’s extremely timely and the writer has a utterly unique niche from which they can comment on a current science/health event (which is rare). Also M-W are the best days to pitch, I am so overwhelmed prepping the weekend schedule on Thursday-Friday I can barely get to emails and they tend to get lost. My dream would be to find a regular writer who can contribute something 1-2 times a month consistently. Email all questions and submissions to Keith A. Spencer, Senior Editor at Salon, at: keith.spencer+freelance@salon.com