Darren Stanton

Darren Stanton used to spend his time dealing with liars cheats and criminals as a former British police officer.
Since 2010 based in London in the UK, he has worked in broadcast television, radio and Press around the world as a body language and behavioural expert. His brand is called TVs human lie detector.
He assesses the credibility, body, language and behaviour of public figures, celebrities royalty politicians for the world media on their body, language and performance

He is a regular on television in the UK, as well as being a very well saught after keynote speaker and also spoke at a Ted event

He is currently co-starring in a crime documentary, both in the UK and America called secrets of the interrogation room where Darren analyses the body language of convicted murderers.

I’m available for contribution to any TV press or written article where you need an expert on behaviour


  • Broadcast tv expert
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NOTE: Only accredited PRs and Experts can view reporter requests. Other reporters cannot.

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