David Geer
David is a full-time freelance technology writer, journalist, and editor of 16-years. His articles have appeared in DevOps.com, CSOonline.com, ContainerJournal, BizTech, Desktop Engineering, ScientificAmerican, The Economist Technology Quarterly, FierceMarkets, TechTarget, PracticeLink Magazine, CyberCoders Insights, InformationWeek,Computerworld, and NetworkWorld. CIO, ITWorld.com, HGTVPro.com, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, IEEE Computer magazine, Government Security News, Laptop, Smart Computing, Technical Support, The Hosting Standard (Canada), TechWorld.com (UK), SIGnature, Processor, and the Engineering News-Record have also published his work.
He enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking, and reading.
- Cleveland, OH, USA
- geercom
- linkedin.com/in/daviddgeer
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