Helaine Olen

Opinion Columnist at The Washington Post

Opinion columnist focusing on politics, economics and American life. A woman of many opinions. Sign up to get my Washington Post Opinions columns in your inbox: https://www.washingtonpost.com/newsletters/follow-helaine-olen/

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Writes Most On

  • Telecommuting is not the future
    20 May 2020—Washington Post
    As a result, many observers believe huge numbers of us will continue telecommuting long after the pandemic passes. A number of companies are already taking action: Both and Insurance are telling many workers they can remain at home permanently. In a recent poll of more than 500 start-up founders backed by venture money, would be allowed to continue working at home if they wish, even after their offices are allowed to reopen. “Return to the office now? That’s crazy talk,” proclaimed earlier...
  • Trust Donald Trump to make Henry Ford’s virulent anti-Semitism relevant again
    22 May 2020—Washington Post
    But Ford also left another, darker legacy. The manufacturer used a portion of the vast fortune he earned making cars for the masses to sell them on his own rabid anti-Semitism. He talked up the idea that Jews were part of a vast, international conspiracy, promoting the fraudulent “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” as well as a four-part volume called “The International Jew.” Adolf Hitler was a of Ford, and, as late as 1940, Ford blamed World War II on “.”
  • Telecommuting is not the future of work
    26 May 2020—thechronicle.com
    Thanks to the novel coronavirus, telecommuting is having a moment. Very suddenly, millions of American workers are rolling out of bed and into makeshift offices in their living rooms. Sometimes they aren’t getting out of bed at all. As a result, many observers believe huge numbers of us will continue telecommuting long after the pandemic passes. A number of companies are already taking action: Both Twitter and Nationwide Insurance are telling many workers they can remain at home permanently....
  • We’re in a pandemic. Why have we stopped talking about Medicare-for-all?
    28 May 2020—Washington Post
    And, finally, there is the issue of insurance itself. Millions of Americans have lost or will soon lose their workplace-based health insurance. (The put the number at 27 million at the beginning of May). It’s all but certain many of them will decide to go without in an attempt to save money. Legislation introduced earlier this month by Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) to expand Medicare is receiving little attention. Instead, the Heroes Act, passed by the House, contains provisions...
  • Donald Trump is the real anarchist
    2 Jun 2020—Washington Post
    Trump claims he wants to stop “.” His own rioting and looting apparently do not register as a problem. He blames, threatens and incites, hurling insults, invective and provocations from Twitter. When shutdown opponents showed up with guns at state capitols, he tweeted that they should “.” In the wake of the protests and looting that occurred in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police, Trump echoed the language of the 1960s, claiming, "When the looting starts,...

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