Morgane Croissant
Morgane Croissant is a writer, an avid fiction reader, a train lover, and burgeoning cruiser who splits her time between Canada and Western Europe, especially France.
She serves as the deputy editor at Matador Network, where she takes great pleasure in writing and editing stories about architecture, museums, train travel, cruises, and more.
After finishing a M.A. in Translation Studies, Morgane has worked as a translator, a French and English-language teacher, a writer, and an editor.
She has been at Matador Network for the past 10 years.
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- Matador Network11 articles
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- How Long Should You Really Have for Your Connecting Flight? Airline Workers and Travel Experts Chime In24 Sep 2024—Matador NetworkUsually, I would never be caught dead booking flights with a tight connection, but in a couple of days, I’ll be going against all my instincts, take a big chance, and try to make a flight with only a 45-minute layover. To say that I’m worried about it is an understatement — I’ve been thinking about it every single day, multiple times per day, for weeks. If you think that the simple solution to my anxiety is to change my flights, know that not only was this connection recommended to me by the...
- What It’s Like Inside a Cruise Ship’s Medical Center11 Jul 2024—Matador NetworkIn late May, as I was cruising on board the beautiful Sun Princess in the Mediterranean, testing out all its restaurants and enjoying the gorgeous ports of call, I suffered a minor medical issue. A bleeding wound on both my legs that could have been dealt with easily if I had been smart enough to travel with a first aid kit, required that I made a trip to the cruise ship’s medical center. I presented myself at the door of the infirmary at opening time and, in the space of less than one hour,...