Zak Garner-Purkis

Investigations Editor at Express Newspapers

Zak Garner-Purkis is an investigative journalist who covers European soccer and stadiums.

He is a contributor to Forbes.com and the current head of content at Construction News, specialising in investigations.

Zak’s explosive Spurs stadium expose was picked up by media outlets around the world winning several awards. He also revealed Manchester City’s stadium had Grenfell-style cladding. For Forbes he has written powerful pieces on match-fixing and racism.

Amongst his numerous collaborations with major media outlets are an undercover slave labour expose with the BBC, a Financial Times report which uncovered a sexual assault scandal and an international investigation into worker deaths on the world’s biggest airport with Architects’ Journal.

His work has been longlisted for the Orwell Prize for Journalism in 2020 and he was a finalist at the 2019 British Journalism Awards. He was named International Building Press’ Journalist of the Year 2019 and awarded the IBP Scoop of the Year and Construction/Infrastructure Writer of the Year prizes.


  • Construction News
    42 articles
  • Express.co.uk
    4 articles
  • Daily Express
    1 article
  • Daily Express Online
    1 article
  • Forbes
    1 article
  • architectsjournal.co.uk
    1 article
  • Financial Times
    1 article

Writes Most On

  • —Daily Express
  • —Daily Express Online
  • —Express.co.uk
  • —Express.co.uk
  • —Express.co.uk