Daniel Lo Surdo
Trainee Journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald and 1 other publication
Jovi Dai
Data Reporter at Bay Area News Group and 2 other publications
Jonathan Munro
Global Director at BBC
Andrew Hayward
Managing Editor at Decrypt and 2 other publications
Lorna White
Products Editor at Mother&Baby and 1 other publication
Tobiloba Ayorinde
and 1 other publication
Writing on
#B2B #SAAS #CaaS #Cannabis #ContentStrategy
Cindy Yin
Trainee Journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald and 1 other publication
Shane Harris
Staff Writer at The Atlantic and 1 other publication
Alex Ellerbeck
Associate Staff Editor at The New York Times and 1 other publication
Destiny Sanchez
Sports Reporter/Anchor at WFMZ-TV and 1 other publication