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Aidan Davy joined ICMM in June 2007. As COO, he is responsible for strategy development and implementation and lead the work to develop ICMM’s Mining Principles, which define good practice environmental, social and governance requirements for the mining and metals industry. He also leads ICMM's work on environmental issues, including the management of issues relating to biodiversity, climate change, mine closure, tailings and water. Prior to assuming the role of COO in 2015, Aidan led ICMM's work on social and economic development, investor engagement and sustainability reporting.

Aidan has 34 years of cross-sectoral experience on sustainable development issues, working with a range of private, multi-lateral and not-for-profit organisations, including the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation in Washington DC. For the first decade of his career, Aidan primarily worked on environmental issues, within an international consulting company, a multinational manufacturing company and at the World Bank. He then shifted his focus to social responsibility and accountability issues, with a strong emphasis on the extractive industries for almost two decades. More recently, his focus has shifted back to environmental matters – recognising that these are closely connected to social responsibility and accountability issues.

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  • “Companies are implementing the Standard across sites in different stages of the mining lifecycle and with varied geographies, commodities and regulatory systems. Our Training Material can be customised to an individual site or company to make it more relevant for the audience, and we encourage the participation of staff from multiple disciplines such as closure, processing, water and community support in the planning and delivery of the training sessions to enhance the material and enable better integrated outcomes.”

  • “ICMM is committed to continual improvement in the safe and transparent management of tailings facilities. The training material we have developed from ICMM’s Tailings Management Good Practice Guide is a vital tool to help build capacity on tailings management across the industry – particularly as companies focus on implementing the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management across their sites.