Alissa Krasner Maizes, Esq.

Founder & Registered Investment Advisor at Amplify My Wealth
On the record
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I am the Founder of Amplify My Wealth, a fee-only fiduciary financial advisor, candidate for CFP®️ certification, and a winner of the 14th Annual Plutus Awards for Best Financial Advisor Financial Literacy Content Creator.

I am a licensed attorney and registered investment advisor providing women and young adults with financial advice and a plan that embraces the life they want regardless of their net worth.

I will meet you on your financial journey, no matter your net worth, whether living paycheck to paycheck and striving to eliminate high-interest debt or being a millionaire. My approach eliminates the traditional "waiting game" for clients who otherwise could not meet a minimum net worth requirement to have a fiduciary financial advisor put their needs first.

Empowering yourself with financial advice, a plan, and guidance to implement your plan from your trusted advisor will help ensure you achieve the life you want sooner than you imagine.

I am grateful to provide financial advice to the clients of my firm, Amplify My Wealth, and pro bono advice to clients of the nonprofit Savvy Ladies.

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  • The Stacking Benjamins Podcast: "You don't really know what someone's net worth is because a lot of people live as if they have a huge net worth, but they might not. But I have made an effort to stay away or not be as close with people who I feel are focused on living large and spending lots of money, and that is their identity of what makes them happy because it is not how I live my life. I am more like 'The Millionaire Next Door." I am a minimalist and very intentional with my money."

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