Amanda is Lead Incident Detection Engineer at Blumira, where she leads the development of new detections for the Blumira platform, based on threat intelligence and research. An accomplished author, speaker, and podcaster, Amanda is known for her ability to communicate complex technical concepts in a way that is accessible and engaging for audiences of all backgrounds. She co-authored an O’Reilly Media book Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure, a comprehensive guide for starting an infosec program from the ground up. She is also co-host of Brakeing Down Security, a podcast about the world of cybersecurity, privacy, compliance, and regulatory issues that arise in today’s workplace. She is also the CEO and co-founder of Mental Health Hackers, a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness about mental health issues in the cybersecurity community.
Join us at the annual information security conference in Deadwood, SD (in-person and virtually) — Wild West Hackin' Fest: The default logging capabilities from Microsoft are only helpful to a certain extent. This session will discuss how to utilize the Sysinternals tool Sysmon for threat hunting, testing detections and more. The session will explain use cases and look at real examples of Sysmon successfully detection malicious behavior in the wild. Amanda Berlin is the Lead Incident Detection Engineer for Blumira and the CEO and owner of the nonprofit corporation Mental Health Hackers. She is the author of a Blue Team best practices book called “Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure” with Lee Brotherston through O’Reilly Media. She is a co-host on the Brakeing Down Security podcast and writes for several blogs. She has spent over a decade in different areas of technology and sectors providing infrastructure support,...
Amanda joins us to discuss aspects of incident response, including how to get the right data to support findings related to an incident, SMB challenges, cloud event logging, and more! Amanda works for Blumira and is the co-author of “Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Inf...
PROMPT# Issue: Infosec Survival Guide - Second Volume - Black Hills Information Security