Anu Vaidyanathan

Founder at PatNMarks and 1 other company
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Anu has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from Purdue University and a Masters in the same subject from North Carolina State University. Around the first year in college at Purdue, she started PatNMarks, an Intellectual Property Consulting firm with offices in Austin, Bangalore and Chennai. At PatNMarks, they actively handle the IP portfolios of several award-winning, small, medium and large companies including Patents, Trademarks, Designs, Copyrights and Contracts. She's a Writer-Director-Comedian and a lost sole moonlighting as a cartesian co-ordinate from the 12th Parallel.

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  • BC: AD Is based on the idea that having kids changes your center of gravity. I picked up comedy quite unintentionally. I was in clown school, trying to learn how to direct a comic performance. In the greater scheme of things, I think my friends saw it way back in college — the storytelling and the levelling of uneven situations with a clever comeback or two. I find stand-up comedy to be a way to even out the great disparities in being an artiste who started on this path after having kids, trying to make films as a woman and the likes. I love stand-up because it is mostly about ideas in my world.