As a dermatologist serving Sanford, Durham, and Chapel Hill, NC, Beth focuses on treating skin cancers and emphasize providing the best experience and outcome possible for the patient. With more than 21 years of dermatology experience, she have developed a focus on surgical dermatology, including Mohs surgery. It is Beth's passion to educate patients about not only the prevention of skin cancer, but also its early detection when treatment is much more effective and less disfiguring. She also focuses on educating patients about avoiding further sun damage to their skin.
It can be easy to gloss over important medical advice because we don’t see the implications of ignoring it. By sharing stories, we’re able to capture the root of why it’s important to follow these recommendations.
September 15, 2022 Scrubs generally have the advantage of allowing you to customize the components they include. Even though you can experiment with different
Fragrance-free moisturizers are those that do not have any added scents, whether natural or synthetic. Here are some of the best.