Blake Cavignac

Growth Advisor at Cavignac
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Blake is a Growth Advisor at Cavignac. He is in charge with creating and executing internal programs designed to attract, develop, and retain new agency producers and support staff to help the company achieve its ambitious growth goals in the coming years. Blake brings to the firm 12 years of experience leading and developing college students and young professionals.

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  • We’ve seen an increase in salary ranges, most notably from recent college graduates. The demand for fair pay and remote work flexibility has continued to grow. The old way of being in the office five days a week is not coming back. Over the past three years, we’ve conducted more than 350 interviews, many with young people. Through these interviews, we’ve seen that the interest in working remotely has only gotten stronger and employees have more influence over management decisions than ever before. I’m thinking of a few instances where we’ve had top talent reach out to us about wanting to join the company. They enjoyed working at their current companies, however, they were required to come back to the office. Once these companies found out that their top talent was going to leave, they immediately changed their remote work policies to accommodate them.

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