Carlos Castelán

Founder & Managing Director at The Navio Group
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Carlos Castelán is the Founder & Managing Director at The Navio Group, a boutique consulting firm based in Minneapolis, MN, helping retailers accelerate transformations. Carlos first started working on the Catalant platform – at the time HourlyNerd – six years ago and over time has expanded from a solo practice to a small firm.

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  • There’s a broader shift going from store shopping and online to a blend of the two. A much faster and tighter supply chain is critical. If you have that speed, it becomes easier for customers to shop with you. Speed really helps from a top of the line perspective.

  • The holiday season is going to be a test of retailers’ supply chains and operational capabilities. With shortages of many key components for manufacturers as well as labor shortages…retailers are facing a variety of different headwinds across different fronts. The products they want to sell will likely be unavailable.

  • A lot of the time, demand planning relies on historical measures for accuracy.

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