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Hello! My name is Carol Heard, and I'm the candle maker and designer behind The Magick Shoppe @ Friendly Brown Hottie's (FBH). In March 2020, I started a blog sharing what I was learning about astrology and tarot and how it's changed my life called Friendly Brown Hottie. I felt there needed to be a space for beginners in astrology and tarot, so I wanted to create a space for people like me. I own an online spiritual shop and create my own crystal candles + more and share tarot and astrology insight crafted for beginners.

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  • I have always wanted to be a business owner. With The Magick Shoppe, you’ll see me working 13-hour days. Loving what I do is what motivates me.

  • Astrology and tarot helped me to find my way. I used tarot cards to guide me on making decisions on relationships and my career path.

  • "My end goal is to create a space for people like me, people like us."