Catherine Rymsha

Visiting Lecturer, Management at University of Massachusetts Lowell and 1 other company
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  • I would liken 'quiet firing' to when an employer or manager has a person on the team who they can’t quite fire for a legitimate reason. We can’t find a reason to formally terminate them, so let's just think about ways to ice them out of the equation. Quiet quitting is vexing employers, but many are still quiet firing their workers.

  • Pay transparency causes an issue for people managers as many, regardless of tenure, struggle with communicating to team members why one may receive more compensation than another or why they fall where they do in the range. That takes a level of courage that many managers aren't ready or equipped for to talk about and defend.

  • Forbes, September 8, 2022 - Corporate Succession Lessons From The Death Of Queen Elizabeth II

    Charles “was never positioned as a person who was a leader,” Catherine Rymsha, visiting management lecturer at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, said via email.

    “The monarchy could have strategically managed his leadership brand preparing for this moment over time, yet failed to position him well in terms of strength or confidence. While he may have the skills and support needed to lead, even the headlines and hearsay over the years saying that the crown may skip him and go to Prince William showed there may be something lacking in his preparedness,” she remarked.

    “While this may not be case due to related succession laws set forth by the monarchy, it does show how Prince William is seen as a leader more so than his now reigning father,” Rymsha concluded.
