Densil R. Porteous

Executive Director, CEO at Stonewall Columbus
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Densil has over 20 years engaging in nonprofit work as a volunteer and leader, at local and national levels, primarily working with organizations focused on issues of equity and access. His nonprofit service work has been with groups like Advocates for Youth (Board Secretary), Human Rights Campaign (Board of Directors; former national Board of Governors), Equitas Health (Board Vice Chair), the Legacy Fund of the Columbus Foundation, and Create Columbus Commission (Chair). Alongside his engagement in the nonprofit social service space Densil has had a notable career in [higher] education administration which encompassed a mixture of admissions/enrollment management; strategic marketing and communications; and development/advancement with roles at Kenyon College, Stanford University, Columbus College of Art & Design and the Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University.

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  • Showing up, representing, and working to uplift all of the various identities in our community matters. The time has come for our allies to level up — to become accomplices in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality, equity and liberation. Together, we can face the challenges, weather the storms, and dismantle the barriers that obstruct our progress — we’ve seen success among accomplices before. Let us move forward as accomplices, unified in our commitment to creating a world where everyone can thrive as their authentic selves. Remember, the path from ally to accomplice is not easy, but it is necessary. I invite you to stand beside me and the queer community in this transformation — it’s time for more allies to become true accomplices in the pursuit of a more inclusive and just society.
