Dick Grove

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Dick Grove is the founder and CEO of INK Inc. Public Relations. With a 50 year MarCom career, Dick was one of the first to run a virtual PR firm as well as a pay for results model.

Dick's first book, "It's the Media Stupid: PR Without the B.S.", an entertaining chronicle of his long PR career and the inner-workings of the industry, is scheduled for an early January, '22 release.

With a Master's Degree in Journalism from the University of Kansas, and a background that includes serving as a VP - General Manager (Southern California) with Burson-Marsteller, Dick has seen the PR industry from most every angle over his long and noted career.

He can offer up an experienced and thoughtful perspective on everything from client relations, running a virtual team and employee communication to the current state of the public relations industry, interacting with media and the general changes/needs/focus of the current landscape.