Doug Lynam

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Doug is a partner at LongView Asset Management, LLC, in Santa Fe, and an industry thought leader in ethical and sustainable investing.

Profiled in numerous media outlets such as the New York Times, Kiplinger’s, CNBC, Entrepreneur, and The Street, Doug brings a unique perspective to the world of finance. His ground-breaking book, From Monk To Money Manager: A Former Monk’s Financial Guide To Becoming A Little Bit Wealthy – And Why That’s Okay, receives enthusiastic reviews for its wisdom and thought-provoking insights told with humility and humor.

Doug is a self-proclaimed “Suffering Prevention Specialist,” as well as a cartoonist, columnist, and speaker. He graduated from Marine Corps Officer Candidate School, was ordained as a Benedictine monk by Fr. Richard Rohr, and taught math and economics during his 20 years in the monastery. He continues to provide pro bono advice to low-income families and has won awards for his volunteer efforts for the homeless.
