Drea Burbank, MD

CEO at Savimbo
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Drea Burbank is an MD-technologist and founder of Savimbo — a US startup that generates fair-trade carbon, biodiversity, and water credits to the international market from indigenous groups and smallfarmers. A B-corp, her nonprofit helps with land-rights, literacy, and living conditions. Drea is addicted to yoga, and a complete climate nerd.

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  • [Ask me for a quote from my friends who are really indigenous, and really indigenous leaders. They aren't on Qwoted, but I'm more than happy to provide one and translate the interview.]

  • Deforestation in the Amazon hasn't stopped, because no one is paying the people who are actually doing it to do something, anything, else.

  • Indigenous groups in the deep Amazon are like a real-world Avatar — these areas were never colonized. Just because there is a line on a map doesn't mean the actual governance or rules have changed.

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