Dr. Gerard Lawson is the Interim Director of the School of Eduation at Virginia Tech as well as a Professor in the Counselor Education and Supervision program, and was the 66th President of the American Counseling Association, having served in that office from July 2017-June 2018. Gerard is also past-president of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) and past-president of the Virginia Counselors Association. In July of 2021, he was named to Governor Northram's administration, serving on the Board of Counseling in the Office of the Secretariat of the Commonwealth.
Plus, here’s how experts say you can take care of yourself if upsetting news headlines have you feeling sad, worried, angry, or retraumatized.
For those with a previous trauma history, witnessing violence [or another type of trauma] on TV can bring back memories and reactions of their own trauma, particularly if that trauma was closely related.