Geri is the Chief Executive Officer at The Dairy Alliance. She has had the opportunity to apply my passion for nutrition to help Fortune 500 food companies, agriculture companies, and nonprofits successfully grow their businesses. Geri has worked with some amazing people and companies leading change, developing best in class teams, creating new ways of working, and executing strategic business and marketing programs that have delivered significant results.
Our team is honored to be working with The Atlanta Community Food Bank in providing donations to communities in the fight against hunger throughout the Southeast. The Peachtree Road Race is the world's largest 10K and brings thousands of visitors to the Expo. We're thrilled to be involved in such a great opportunity to help runners perform their very best and recover from the race by drinking dairy milk, nature's original sports drink.
Publix is partnering with The Dairy Alliance, a nonprofit redefining the vitality of milk's advancements in personal performance, by showing up at the Peachtree Health & Fitness Expo presented by Publix at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, with 4,000 bottles of milk to giveaway. The Dairy Alliance and Publix are working together to educate attendees and racers at the Expo on how they can achieve their personal best by drinking dairy milk.