Greg Rose

Chief Experience Officer at Intellum
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Greg is Chief Experience Officer at Intellum.

For the last 20 years, I have helped a wide range of companies drive revenue and growth through traditional sales and marketing activities. But competition is increasing, and the lines that have traditionally separated markets and verticals are continuing to blur. We have more challengers than ever before, and the traditional approaches to sales and marketing are no longer delivering the results we expect.

Client organizations are simultaneously inundated and overwhelmed with aggressive sales tactics and hollow marketing messages for products and services that rarely prove successful. The result is a general disdain for an admittedly painful sales process and, frankly, I no longer want to play a role in perpetuating that negative experience.

So I have shifted my focus from traditional marketing (a highly tactical effort where we're attempting to shout louder than our competition) to brand experience (a more strategic approach where we strive to turn customers into fans and fans into advocates). Today, my goal is to identify, map, reimagine and help manage the entire customer experience in order to deliver on the brand promise.

Whether we are introducing ourselves to an organization for the first time or celebrating another successful year with a long-standing client, every touchpoint and every interaction with the brand should be nothing short of awesome.

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