Dr. Isaac Tourgeman graduated from Florida International in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and minors in Philosophy and Statistics. He earned a Master of Science degree in Psychopharmacology last 2014 while completing his PhD. in Clinical Psychology at Nova Southeastern University in 2015. Dr. Tourgeman completed his clinical internship at University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital-Adult Neuropsychology Rotation. His Postdoctoral Residency was completed at the Design Neuroscience Center with a focus in Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation psychology. Dr. Tourgeman continues to practice at the Design Neuroscience Center, specializing in acquired brain injuries. He has current projects exploring the influence of premorbid and co-morbid factors on the course and presentation of neurocognitive disorders.
The goal of this technique is to counteract boredom and distractibility while increasing efficiency. For many, it may be quite challenging to engage in a task for an hour or two, but the premise of this technique is that most people can engage for 25 minutes.
A guide for stressing more productively (guest commentary)
Codependent relationships are usually a sign of low self-esteem and unhealed trauma coming home to roost—if you're stuck in one, here's how to move beyond it
The impacts of social distancing are far more than physical, they can lead to an impact on one’s mental health.