Dr. McPartland is an Associate Professor at Yale Medicine. His program of research investigates the brain bases of neurodevelopmental conditions to develop biologically-based tools to improve detection and treatment. Dr. McPartland's research has been continuously supported since 2007 by both federal (NIMH, NICHD, NINDS, NIDCD; R21, R03, K23, R01, U19) and private research grants (NARSAD, the Autism Science Foundation, the Waterloo Foundation, Autism Speaks, the Patterson Trust, the Simons Foundation, the Nancy Taylor Foundation, the Alan B. Slifka Foundation, the Hilibrand Foundation).
Dylan started life as a typical baby, meeting his milestones for walking, talking, and other markers of normal development. In a home video from when Dylan was
The reason we stay with the spectrum is because we haven’t found anything better.