Jason Falls

Director of Digital Strategy at Cornett and 3 other companies
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Jason Falls is a social and digital marketing thought leader, author of three books and frequent industry keynote speaker and expert source. He is perhaps best known for founding Social Media Explorer, once rated at the top marketing blog in the world by AdAge (October 2010).

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  • "At 14 million subscribers and tens of millions of views on many of her videos, Lilly Singh is probably making upwards of $1-2 million from YouTube alone. Not just from the advertising revenue her channel derives from the sheer eyeballs she attracts, but she may also be selling sponsored posts or product placement to brands. She could easily charge upwards of $50,000 per episode for those types of placements and can charge more if she also leverages Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with sponsorship activity.”

    '$65,000 per sponsored YouTube post': Lilly Singh made a ton before her late night debut - Yahoo! News - September 17, 2019 (https://ph.news.yahoo.com/65000-per-sponsored-you-tube-post-lilly-singh-made-a-ton-before-her-late-night-gig-191144635.html)

  • On the pay differential found in influencer marketing research:

    "The good news is that this brings the disparity to light. Perhaps the female influencers out there can start determining their price, adding 10-15%, and sticking to it from now on and the problem then solves itself.”

    Study Finds A Pay Gap Between Male And Female Influencers - Forbes - January 16, 2020 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/heatherleighton/2020/01/16/study-finds-a-pay-gap-between-male-and-female-influencers/?sh=657be6e3602f)

  • "We need big data because the media landscape has exploded and fractionalised exponentially and, as a result, audiences are smaller and more concentrated."

    Has the modern definition of PR changed? - FinancialMail - January 23, 2020 (https://www.businesslive.co.za/redzone/news-insights/2020-01-23-has-the-modern-definition-of-pr-changed/)

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