Jennifer Rulon

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15-time Ironman triathlete, Jen Rulon lives the life of a healthy human who loves to coach others to become the best versions of themselves. Living authentically takes just as much practice as training for your upcoming fitness goals. As a fitness expert, author, accountability coach, and motivational speaker, Jen encourages others to take risks and live their lives to the fullest.

Through her social platforms and speaking engagements nationwide, she reaches an audience ready to hear what she has to say and implement the life lessons that have worked so well for her and her clients. Jen also leans into her educational background, having earned a master’s in kinesiology with an emphasis in exercise science.

Telling her story on the TEDx stage and in national media outlets where she shares her 22+ years of coaching experiences, Jen shows us what fitness can look like for 50+. Through her Everyday Healthy Human podcast, Jen helps listeners to find their life’s purpose, age gracefully like fine non-alcoholic wine, and train themselves to figure out who they are as human beings and what they want out of life. She’s an expert on fitness, nutrition, strength training, and how to develop the mindset of an athlete to thrive.

Jen has always lived and loved with passion, grit, and heart. She’s fearless and motivated to provide positive content and heartfelt wisdom. As one client put it, “She coaches the way she lives her life, which is beautifully and by example.”

Between her speaking engagements, podcast, and book: Self Motivation Strategies for Women, Jen details how to tackle challenges head-on in a friendly, no-nonsense approach.

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  • "New Me. Every Day."

    As an Everyday Healthy Human, we can wake up every day and start our days off new every day.
    Five Tips On How to Set Yourself Up for Success Every Day:
    1 Learn to Transform
    2 Never Forget Your Dreams
    3 Three Gratitudes Everyday
    4 Learn to Fail
    5 Understand Dreams Can Take Time

    Learn to Transform
    A moth will metamorphose into a butterfly and not know that they will become that butterfly. The moth will do what it is supposed to do. Crawl, gather food, build a cocoon, and fly away. And while that moth may never "see" its potential, the world knows. You will do the same thing. You must embrace transformation or "change," as many of us know it. What if you stay on the ground, gathering and collecting, but never build that cocoon? You would know that you could fly.

    Never Forget Your Dreams
    So many of us, as children, had or have a "dream" that you may think, "No way, can that happen. I have to do this or that." I understand my path to be on Broadway was not the way to go, but I had other dreams that I pursued. As we get older, we may not write down our dreams or goals because we have a family and a partner and work to make money, but we should have those dreams. It could be traveling to Australia, running your first marathon or triathlon, taking dance lessons at Arther Murray, or being in shape after 50 years old. So many dreams shouldn't be stepped on because we are "older." Now is the time to make it happen.

    Three Gratitudes Everyday
    Every day, I want you to express your gratitude. During some of the most challenging times of my life, I expressed gratitude every day, whether in the morning, mid-afternoon, or evening before I closed my eyes. Three thank yous to the Universe, and I still do this.

    Learn to Fail
    Some of my best lessons were my failures or my learnings. One of my favorite quotes is, "What if I fall?" Oh, but my darling, "What if you fly?" from Erin Hanson. I feel that so many of us are afraid to take that step, whether it is starting a new job, heading back to school for our master's degree, or starting a family.

    Let me explain to you there will NEVER be the right time to do any of it. For example, what if you wait to start that family and discover that you can't have kids, so you have to switch the mindset and decide to adopt? Or what if you wanted to leave that job because it is a toxic environment, but the pay is so good that you end up losing your marriage?

    My point is that your leaving the job is not a failure, and your not having kids is NOT a failure. It is a lesson learned because it helps you get something better.

    Understand Dreams Can Take Time
    "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." ~ Earl Nightingale

    Quick story here. I told my Mom and Grandpa, "I was going to the Ironman World Championship when I was 17. Never in a million years, if someone said that it would take me 28 years to accomplish, would I still keep dreaming?" Society, especially now, probably wants immediate satisfaction. It may take time if you are trying to "change," to feel better about yourself, lose weight, or leave the job. One thing that I will chat with my clients about is that this change will take time; you need to trust the process and trust your coach.

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