Joshua Fullard is an Assistant Professor of Behavioural Science at the University of Warwick, Warwick Business School. Before joining the University of Warwick, he was a Lecturer at the University of Essex, Department of Economics, a Senior Researcher at The Education Policy Institute and a Visiting Research Fellow at the ifo Center for the Economics of Education.
Joshua's research agenda is focused on understanding the factors that influence human capital accumulation and occupational choice with a special interest in elicited subjective expectations and teacher labour markets.
His current project uses experimental methods to investigate the determinants of teacher attrition and the accuracy of teachers beliefs about non-teaching labour market opportunities.
He holds a PhD in Economics from the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.
Worryingly, the decline in the number of male classroom teachers is getting worse.
This has an impact on the education that children receive. There is a large body of research that shows students benefit from being educated by a teacher with certain similarities to them.
Boys from less affluent backgrounds are already the lowest achievers in school. They are the students who would benefit most from a male teacher, but they are less and less likely to have one.
It's not just boys who are losing out. Having no gender diversity could negatively affect how a school functions, as schools in special measures are less like to have a male classroom teacher.
The report says the proportion of schools without a male classroom teacher has increased.