Kevin Trowbridge

CTO at Qwoted and 2 other companies
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Kevin Trowbridge has been a part of the San Francisco Bay Area startup scene since 2005 and has been a member of more than 15 software teams. Before joining Qwoted as CTO, Trowbridge worked as an independent consultant, with leading roles in The Bold Italic, An Event Apart, Creative Bug, Wheelz, HitRecord, and Ariba.

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  • Ruby has also been associated with a strong open source community from its earliest days. Kevin Trowbridge, CTO of Qwoted, believes that the nature of the language itself has a lot to do with that. "It's the most literate of all programming languages," he says, meaning that "it's just so easy to write and read. That's why you have the community, which is extremely strong, and the philosophy, which is that it is 'optimized for developer productivity and happiness'."

  • Veteran software pro Kevin Trowbridge played trumpet and guitar in a jazz band when he was in college. He sees connections among mathematics, software, and music. "Qualities shared by musicians and mathematicians are a love of abstraction, extreme attention to detail, and willingness to invest thousands of hours into learning very esoteric skills," says Trowbridge, who worked on 15 different software teams in the San Francisco area before joining Qwoted as CTO.

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