Lauri Smith

Soulful Speaking Coach and CEO at Voice Matters LLC
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Lauri Smith, the Soulful Speaking Coach, is a speaker, the creator of The Vocal Presence Path® approach to soulful speaking, host of the Soulful Speaking Podcast, and the author of Your Voice Matters: A Guide to Speaking Soulfully When It Counts. She helps sensitive visionaries, ambitious empaths, and loving rebels to speak, be seen, and fulfill their soul’s calling.

Lauri treats speaking as a spiritual practice that raises consciousness by healing old wounds, guiding us home to our true selves.

Her mission is to call forth more open-hearted leaders to do their part to change the world with authenticity, creativity, and courage.

She envisions a world in which everyone shares the vibration of their soul’s purpose with the world through their voices and together, we reach global harmony.

Lauri can always see the soul underneath the static - which makes her really good at motivating people to fight their inner demons and find tremendous inner power.

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  • The things that make you special can't be measured by a scale.

  • You are here to LIVE out your life purpose. Not to figure it out.

  • When our primal life force meets our purpose, we become magnetic.

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