Lucy Aboagye

Owner at Not Yet Perfect
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When Lucy Aboagye discovered pottery, she felt it was meditation. Dropping into evening classes after long days at work, Lucy slipped into a flow state at the spinning wheel, letting the anxieties of the day seep from her hands into the clay.

Lucy has always been creative. She studied fashion design and worked for a several local and international companies until some informative travel experiences seeded in her the desire to segue into teaching, working with at-risk youth. It was in this job that a fellow teacher introduced Lucy to pottery. With her experience in creative design, business and teaching, and her new-found love of pottery, Lucy had an idea for her next project.

Not Yet Perfect began around Lucy’s dining table one evening in June 2018. All the elements for a great time were there: clay, connection, creativity, and wine. It was a heart lifting evening, and word quickly spread.

The following year, Lucy took a studio space to host Not Yet Perfect workshops and, against all odds, the businesses grew and grew throughout lockdowns and pandemic measures.